
Thank you for being here! I help you find the home within you and live a life you truly love.

I’m all about mindset, the subconscious mind, wellness, personal growth & manifestation.

I support people by helping them connect to their true self, heal what’s in their way of living a life of peace and happiness, and create the lifestyle and life that they desire.

For new or aspiring business owners in the online wellness space, I have something for you! I know exactly what it’s like to be where you are. I help you gain clarity, move past fear, and start living the life of your wildest dreams! I offer a 90-minute Business Intensive and a 3-month program to get you unstuck, into action and building the mindset of a successful business owner!

I am an international retreat host with Eyia Retreats and am corporate wellness consultant and strategist with Eyia Wellness

Get in touch with me: kathealthfitness@gmail.com